
A Brothers of the Zodiac Story

by Maxwell Thomas

Two outcasts in 1930’s Kansas City meet and one becomes the man he’s meant to be.

Dan Gold has gone as far as his money can take him: Kansas City. He plans to make a new life for himself, away from his family. Instead he meets a farmer, known as a loner and a Rain-maker. This man helps Dan to realize what he’s really meant to be.

Other Books by Maxwell Thomas


The Brothers of the Zodiac series: Book Story

A young doctor in Union-occupied New Orleans questions his affiliation with the Confederacy and his own passion for a dashing Union sergeant.

Air (Prologue)

A Brothers of the Zodiac Novel

The men of the goddess Ishtar are called together for the end of the world.


The Brothers of the Zodiac series: Book Story

True love lives on.


The Brothers of the Zodiac series: Book Story

It’s a race between finishing the railroad or finding a lover. Which one will he win?